Gift List Budget Shopper lets you see what youre spending on who and what year round.
Its also a great shopping aid. Plan your shopping excursions ahead of time to save on time as well as money.
Current Key features include:
-Easily track people, gift ideas, finances and stores.
-Tracks what youve spent against a budget.
-Create Multiple Lists by Occasion, or Person.
-Keeps place holders for people you havent gotten anything for yet.
-Combination lock, to keep your gifts secret!
-Integrated with address book
-Integrated with maps for store locating
-Launch web product searches right from the app.
-Add a picture to a gift list item
-Share lists via email... reimport lists sent to you.
-Preloaded with over a hundred national stores and their websites.
Additional features:
-Fully illustrated searchable help
-Modify built in views of the list, or create your own.
-Views can group and sort differently and filter the list.
-Mail spreadsheets to import your holiday spending into Excel
-Quick data entry.. we autocomplete as you type so you can save on precious key strokes.
-Alternately browse a dictionary of items or stores rather than typing at all.
-Track Greeting cards youve received or Sent.
-Track Gifts youve received so you know who to send thank you cards to.
Get organized in your gift shopping this year with Gift List Budget Shopper!
Enrich the Moment!